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mythosaur: jangothinks: NAME EM ALL Ohhh boy. Ok from top...





Ohhh boy. Ok from top left, left to right then down. It’s kinna hard to see some but here we go:

dex, tion medon, poggle the lesser, pit droid?, plo kloon, (jump up) aurra sing, even piell, not sure, Bossk, not sure, grievous, stass allie, sebulba, lott dod, nute gunray, ki-adi-mundi, eeth koth, dengar, ackbar, is that greedo?, taun we, jabba the hutt, imperial guard, ponda baba, sidious/palpatine, chancellor valorum, bib fortuna, darth maul, saesee tiin, darth vader, stormtrooper, mas ameeda, gamorrean guard, jar jar, is that general veers?, tarkin, george lucas, OOM-9, smi skywalker, qui-gon, commander cody, tuskan raider, count dooku, panaka, zam wessel, padme, anakin, can’t remember, shaak ti, don’t remember, typho, boss nass, jango, boba fett, obi-wan, mace windu, chewbacca, some quarren - hard to know who, is that lobacca? no, maybe salporin, aayla secura, C-3PO, Yoda, Luke, Lando, Han, Nien Nunb, watto, anakin, a jawa, r2-d2, leia, some ewok, and wicket.

yeah…. welllll i know who everyone i named is, but i needed a reminder on just a few. the few being: tion medon, lott dod, saesee tiin, and ponda baba. so only 4 :P

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